New Industrial 3D Printing Technology: Solaxis Expands its Services
Marie-Christine Flibotte
September 13 2023
News and events

Solaxis Ingenious Manufacturing expands its services by adding FFF (fused filament fabrication) printers to its line of equipment. Over the years, the Bromont-based company has established its reputation in advanced additive manufacturing of thermoplastics.
Solaxis has now acquired new 3D printers, one of very large format with the filament technology (FFF), as well as a 3D printing farm of small FFF 3D printers. Nearing CA$500,000, this investment allows the Bromont-based company to expand its services, diversify its offer and enter new markets to remain competitive.
Specializing in large-format 3D printing, Solaxis has been operating nine Stratasys FDM (fused deposition modeling) printers since 2010. Characterized by its closed technology, this equipment makes it possible to put high-end materials to use at competitive prices (PEKK, ULTEM). The printed parts stand out for their consistency, mechanical properties, thermal resistance, and robustness.
Based on the same operating principle as FDM 3D printing, FFF (fused filament fabrication) equipment also refers to the filament technique. The difference lies in the system’s characteristics, which are defined as “open”, allowing greater flexibility in terms of material compatibility.
The addition of FFF printers to Solaxis' line of equipment gives industry players more leeway in terms of material and budget.
New Technologies Benefitting the Industrial Sector
Solaxis' acquisition of large format FFF equipment and the small 3D printing farm presents multiple benefits.
Print Very Large Parts
The large format FFF equipment acquired by Solaxis makes it possible to develop parts that stand out for their substantial dimensions. They have the capacity to produce parts in an area of 40 x 40 x 40 in. (vs. 36 x 24 x 36 in. with the Stratasys FDM system), in one single piece.
A Wide Selection of Materials
FFF technology opens the door to a wide choice of materials. For example, TPU, PETG, and PA6 GF are the latest materials that have been integrated to Solaxis’ offer. Others will follow! The engineering team evaluates meticulously the right materials to add to our offer. We work constantly to select the most useful ones for our customers.
Diversification of Applications
We offer a better diversity of thermoplastics. Our new line of large format and small printers also give you greater flexibility to develop your applications. Furthermore, it brings about new possibilities to optimize production, which provides better costs.
This benefits you greatly, since the proposed solution will be even more adapted to your needs and requirements. Whether it's for one or 500 units, small or large formats, prototypes or end-use parts, Solaxis can find the best combination for each customer, in terms of technology, printer type and materials.
Technologies Serving Various Sectors
These new "open" technology is favourable to the development of innovative products in various sectors. Consider, for example, aeronautics, defence and security, electronics, industrial, consumer goods, health, and ground transportation.
Competitive Costs
Solaxis diversifies its offer to make 3D printing more accessible to savvy users, such as manufacturers who wish to integrate additive manufacturing into their current operation. This diversification of technologies makes it possible to widen the price range and the range of materials available, to benefit even better from additive manufacturing compared to more traditional processes.
In conclusion, the acquisition of these small and large format FFF printers is an opportunity for manufacturers and for Solaxis to:
- Diversify the technological offer and provide manufacturers with a wide choice of materials, according to their needs and applications.
- Offer more competitive prices to customers.
- Carry out a greater variety of projects according to the client's budget.
- Produce large parts.
- Design parts that meet mechanical and quality requirements.
Questions about the technologies available at Solaxis? Our team of professionals remains available for you. Contact us!